Thanks for stopping by!

My name is Annelise, but you can call me Annie.

I’m an essayist and journalist who is incurably curious about the world. My reporting focuses on food and agriculture, the environment, and religion. My personal writing explores motherhood, place, and Christian spirituality.

I’ve written widely for magazines and literary journals including National Geographic, The Rumpus, The Atavist, Bon Appetit, Atmos, The Millions, Bellingham Review, The Christian Century, Civil Eats, Sojourners, EcoTheo Review, The Sunday Long Read, Hidden Compass, Brevity, Plough, and Life & Thyme.

My collaborative story “A Feast for Lost Souls” won a James Beard Journalism Award, a Dart Award for Excellence in Coverage of Trauma, and the OPC’s Madeline Dane Ross Award for best international reporting showing a concern for the human condition. Other work has been noted in The Best American Travel Writing. I was a 2022-2023 Religion and Environment Story Project fellow, and I hold an MFA in creative nonfiction writing.

Along with writing literary essays and magazine journalism, I work with clients to create content that sings. I’m also a runner, reader, rusty Spanish speaker, and general enthusiast.

The best way to keep in touch is by subscribing to my Substack newsletter.

Want to inquire about a project, or just say hello? I’d love to hear from you.

P.S. Could you use a poem? Here’s a handful that I love: